Timeline photos
This is Harley Quinn, or Pinky. Her birth name is Stephanie. The world has diagnosed her with Schizoaffective disorder. It is a combination of symptoms of schizophrenia and mood disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder. Symptoms may occur at the same time or at different times. She will tell you that is not true. She is the creator of everything. I am not trained in any psychological practices. So I don’t know anything. But I have learned this: when I listen to a person, when I don’t judge, when I seriously take time to listen to them, it seems to help calm them down. (I don’t care if you have a serious mental illness or you are just a regular, “normal” person - this is true.) This is Harley reading a book she found after we had a good conversation. She was so calm and relaxed in this moment. I have an interview series rolling out on YouTube right now with Harley and another friend of mine, Michael.